Forex Trading For Beginners - Learn To Trade Forex With CTrader - Episode 1 C Trading Forex

Dipublikasikan tanggal 27 Mar 2014
Forex Basics is the earliest episode of our video series "Learn to Trade Forex in the company of cTrader"
English Subtitles, РуÑÑкий Субтитры, ä¸å›½å—幕, Español SubtÃtulos, Sottotitoli in Italiano
Table of Contents
0:46 - What is Forex
02:06 - Currency Pairs including Exchange Rate
04:08 - Going Long (buying) including Going Short (selling)
05:30 - What is Trade Volume, Stop Loss including Take Profit
08:40 - Pip description including Pip Values
11:06 - Selecting your Trade Volume including creating an Order
13:50 - Order types (Market, Limit, Stop)
17:05 - Small launch to the rest of the tools of cTrader
In this episode, cTrader Product Manager Alex Katsaros gives us an launch to Forex Basics. You determination grasp what Foreign Exchange is including terms like exchange rate, spread, bid, ask, pip, base coinage including quote currency.
You determination grasp the opposed Order types, what Stop Loss including what Take Profit is. You determination also grasp what quantity to take when trading including how to create an order including manage your position.
This is the earliest episode of our recent series focused on educating traders on the basic including advanced concepts of Forex trading.
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