The 12 Awesome Law Blogs Of 2014 Law Firm Blog
As 2014 wraps up, we thought we’d share some of our favorite judicial blogs of the year. Some of these you might not keep heard of when they cover highly special areas of the law, yet it’s just this specificity that makes the ideas therefore strong and engaging — absolutely showcasing the lawyers’ expertise within their fields, therefore much therefore that they are fun to scan even provided you don’t keep interest within that area of the law. Enjoy.
1. The Art Law Report, through Sullivan and Worcester, edited through Nicholas M. O’Donnell
Spurred through the discovery of a trove of Nazi-looted style of art within Munich, this blog was supported by a roll within 2014, covering all the recent past|just gone} developments within the situation. Offering understanding supported by that story and more, the blog — when good when niche-oriented publications near — examines all the judicial angles associated with art, from ownership to intellectual possessions to the First Amendment.
2. Trademarkology, through Stites & Harbison, edited through a team of Stites attorneys
This highly entertaining, quirky blog delves into the world of trademarks same as no other. Offering highly frequent and colorful commentary supported by a number of opposed trademark issues, the blog not only covers important developments within the space, yet explores fun facts and interesting tidbits regarding a variety of trademarks today. Their series supported by rebranding efforts done through sports teams was a huge hit. While the blog only just launched early within 2014, it already made the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100.
3. Inside Privacy, through Covington, edited through a team of Covington attorneys
While work and health mind law maxim a lot of exchange within 2014, there may keep been no bigger judicial subject than isolation and facts security. With an ear to the earth supported by all the latest news supported by the developments not in of D.C., the Covington & Burling attorneys offer earnest understanding supported by isolation developments big and minute and, unlike a lot some more Am Law 200 firms, perform therefore within a method that’s interesting and relatable.
4. Canna Law Blog, through Harris Moure, edited through Hilary Bricken and the Canna Law Group
Hilary Bricken and the more attorneys who regularly composer Canna Law Blog crush it — just crush it. The blog is not regarding all things marijuana law, yet instead focuses exclusively supported by issues emotionally moving marijuana businesses. Offering commentary supported by a daily basis, the team at Harris Moure’s Canna Law Group, with team members within Washington, Nevada, and Illinois, is production a title appropriate to themselves, and it’s highly well deserved.

5. Energy and the Law, through Gray Reed & McGraw, P.C., edited & written through Charles Sartain
You’d think script a blog would go hand-in-hand with expressing opinions, yet within the judicial space it isn’t always the case. Well, you can’t say that of Charles Sartain’s Energy & the Law. Sartain is passionate regarding the energy industry and issues emotionally moving its increase down within Texas and isn’t afraid to share them. With biting analysis, he keeps readers abreast of major litigation and regulation within Texas while too keeping an optic supported by national energy news.
6. The D & O Diary, through Kevin LaCroix of R-T Specialty, LLC
If there’s a attorney not in there who’s a additional prolific blogger than Kevin LaCroix, I don’t know how he’s motionless a lawyer. With daily posts supported by D&O liability and various associated issues — from cybersecurity to insider trading to the Affordable Care Care Act — some extraordinary 2,000 words, there’s no better outlet appropriate to the topics he’s covering, which sometimes seems same as everything.
7. All About Advertising Law, through Venable LLP editors Amy Mudge and Randy Shaheen
One of the better Biglaw blogs around, Venable’s All About Advertising Law blends in-depth breakdowns of industry regulation with entertaining finds within advertising litigation. They record frequently, and perform a good job covering the break that is advertising law.
8. BeLabor The Point, through Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Stitterson
BeLabor the Point covers interesting work law topics within a method everyone can understand — and be entertained by. In addition to hitting all the big labor law news, they’re too earnest within identifying issues that no one else is talking regarding and gift a judicial angle.
9. Auto Industry Law Blog, Foley & Lardner LLP, edited through Omar A. Lucia and Jeffrey A. Soble
This blog covers the automotive industry well, going miles beyond reactionary study supported by regulations and instead proactively seeking not in trends important and interesting to readers. Where you frequently see niche blogs from big law firms get caught within the weeds, Foley & Lardner keeps things interesting with posts value reading appropriate to those who want to be within the know within the latest within the automotive world.
10. Retail Law Advisor, through Goulston & Storrs, edited through the Goulston & Storrs Retail Group

Like a few others supported by this list, Goulston & Storrs Retail Law Advisor is a niche blog done right, when they leverage current events and more broader subjects and relate them to the retail space. Not only that, yet they keep tabs supported by the industry, gift study supported by regulations and too sharing the understanding they pick up at events and commerce shows.
11. Cady Bar the Door, through Brooks Pierce, edited through David Smyth
David Smyth’s Cady Bar the Door does an excellent job gift up insightful and punchy pieces supported by the latest happenings within financial regulation. Drawing supported by years of experience working within the Division of Enforcement at the SEC, Smyth shares opinionated commentary hard to find elsewhere.
12. Cruise Law News, through Jim Walker of Walker & O’Neill
No attorney’s passion shows through additional than that of Jim Walker. Not only is Walker an advocate appropriate to cruise passengers, yet a ardent guardian appropriate to the industry when a whole. His 2014 included, among a multitude of accomplishments, traveling to Washington, D.C., to back Senator Rockefeller’s Cruise Passenger Protection Act and forcing government officials within the Bahamas to answer to their ranking supported by hitting the Top 10 worst destinations. If you’re organization to grip a cruise within 2015, this is a blog you cannot miss.
See any of your favorites here? Some of the standard themes of judicial blogs that are growing their audiences and production a title appropriate to themselves are: blogging often, blogging regarding a niche topic the composer is passionate about, and blogging within a style that is conversational and entertaining. No one wants to scan long, boring case summaries. These 12 blogs are doing it true and there’s only upside within 2015 appropriate to them.
Colin O’Keefe is editorial manager at LexBlog. Drawing supported by his background when a professionally trained journalist and experienced sports blogger, he reviews and curates all the commentary produced through LexBlog Network members. Utilizing accepted best practices and observations of what’s worked, he too counsels lawyers supported by effective online writing.
Cara McDonald (@caramcdonald24) is the Director of Marketing of LexBlog, which empowers lawyers to increase their visibility and accelerate business relationships online. With LexBlog’s help, judicial professionals use their subject matter expertise to drive powerful business increase through blogging and communal media. Visit
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