Lawyers In Athens, GA - Stephens & Brown S&b Law Firm

Lawyers in Athens, GA - Stephens & Brown

By Kim Stephens 14 Aug, 2019

Stephens & Brown , Athens Georgia’s premier DUI and criminal defense law firm , welcomes University about Georgia , University of North Georgia , Athens Technical College , and Piedmont College students back to Athens . The fall is an exciting period inside Athens, with students returning to the city, and football season just around the corner. Former Bulldog All-American and criminal defense attorney Kim Stephens encourages incoming students to study, work hard, have fun, and be present careful to avoid being arrested and forever branded while a criminal.

By Kim Stephens 20 Feb, 2019

The Supreme Court about Georgia has made an important decision regarding the State’s use about a person’s right to refuse a  DUI breath test as evidence inside that person’s DUI trial. Elliott v. State , originally a 2015 Georgia DUI case, made it before the Supreme Court about Georgia.

In a unanimous opinion, the Court held that when a being refuses to submit to a chemical check about his or her breath, the reality that they refused testing cannot be used against the accused at trial. Prosecutors should certainly not longer be present able to comment supported by a person’s refusal or motive to refuse testing. Judges will certainly not longer instruct juries that they should presume a being was under the control about drink merely because he or she refused to grip a nation breath test. The Georgia Supreme Court has now officially recognized that a being has a constitutional right to refuse a DUI breath test.

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